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DBC and Ministry of I&W start Proof of Concept with bloXmove mobility platform

The Dutch Blockchain Coalition, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and the Irish/German company bloXmove are starting a Proof of Concept in which bloXmove’s open and decentralized platform will be used to showcase two use cases:

  1. The reuse of secure customer onboarding processes;
  2. The concept of “service roaming” among participants in the Dutch mobility ecosystem.

This short project is a first follow-up to the Blockchain & Mobility Week. It should not be considered a platform or technology choice. bloXmove will fund their own activities. The outcomes of the project will be shared with the wider mobility community showcased on November 26th

This will include a demonstration, presentation of the wider vision, business model, draft governance model, and thoughts on implementation strategies. The session will be open for everybody. Please use this link to register for this online session. The PoC architecture will use upcoming standards like W3C Decentralized identifiers and Verifiable Credentials as well as the open source TOMP API, a set of standards for facilitating data exchange in the mobility ecosystem. Architectural details will be shared in the TOMP Workgroup meetings on 27-10 and 24-11.

This are also public sessions. If you want to join, please contact Bon Bakermans

Finally, there is space for a limited number of cities or mobility providers, to participate more closely in this PoC. If you are interested in such participation or if you have any other questions about the PoC, please contact Harmen van der Kooij.

about the message: Harmen van de Kooij

Harmen van de Kooij

Program Lead Digital Commons and Interoperability