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Position Paper on Digital Product Passports (DPPs) to be Released Soon

The position paper on Digital Product Passports (DPPs), published by Fides and several partners from the Dutch Blockchain Coalition (DBC), will be available soon. The report presents a vision for permissionless forms of DPPs, aiming to minimize dependencies and power imbalances. This approach increases the flexibility of the data ecosystem surrounding DPPs and allows us to move beyond existing regulations towards new business models focused on circularity.

The report provides an overview of relevant regulations, a future vision for permissionless DPPs combined with digital identities, and criteria for situations where permissionless architectures are appropriate. It also includes an analysis of several use cases and a chapter that outlines the architectural decisions required to implement permissionless DPPs and ensure interoperability. Finally, the report highlights how multidisciplinary collaboration can support the development of the DPP ecosystem through research, design, and development efforts.

about the message: Femke Bartelds

Femke Bartelds
