DBC/TNO workshop “Migration Towards SSI”
On Monday 27 January the Dutch Blockchain Coalition organised a Self-Sovereign Identity Workshop together with TNO. The theme of the afternoon was to get a picture of the current state of affairs for Self-Sovereign Identities (SSI) and to discuss next steps.
Self-Sovereign Identity has been an appealing perspective for years. With the Dutch Blokchain Coalition we want to realise a usable digital identity for people (Self-Sovereign Identity), organisations and things (AssetID). Achieving this in practice has proven to be challenging. There is no easy solution with bite-sized answers. At the same time, it also binds us together: the chance to realise a usable Digital Identity.
During the workshop "Migration towards SSI" organized by DBC and TNO we heard from Christopher Allan, Drummond Reed and Oskar van Deventer how they experience the current Self-Sovereign Identity developments. In addition, we also heard what according to them still needed to be done in order to actually realize SSI.
A cautious conclusion we can draw from this workshop is that the solution for a usable digital identity is not limited by the availability of technology, but by the willingness to cooperate and actually realize it.
We realize more and more that the current internet needs to be improved. That we need to work together on a "Web of Trust" and the solutions that go with it. In order to realize that, in addition to technology, we also need to work together. Collaboration in the form of Governance models that organize the collaboration, but also the trust.
The keynotes partly provide the solution, but also the challenges to go from the current 2nd generation "Federated Identity" (ID Providers, Certificate Authorities etc.) to truly decentralized Self-Sovereign Identity (3rd generation).
It is up to us to jointly define the possible steps and guide the changing role of the current "players" in the identity ecosystem.
Take a look at the keynotes here:
- Christopher Allan (Blockchain Security & Decentralized Identity Standards Architect & Advisor) en
- Drummond Reed (chief trust officer, maker van de eerste DID-specificatie, Sovrin Foundation Trustee) en
- Oskar van Deventer (Blockchain specialist TNO)