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Innovation Attaché Network publishes blockchain special

Innovation Attaché Network publishes blockchain special

The Blockchain Special of the Innovation Attaché Network is out! The special includes an extensive interview with our Coalition Manager Peter Verkoulen.

The Innovation Attaché Network, now active in 15+ countries, with more than 50 colleagues, releases its annual special. This year the special is dedicated to blockchain. Not only the state of affairs of blockchain (applications) in the Netherlands highlighted, the Innovation Attachés also sketch the developments within their field. Articles from China, Germany, USA, France, Singapore are included. In addition, you can read various interviews with experts in the field of blockchain and how it is applied in their company.

State Secretary Mona Keijzer introduces the special. She explains how the Netherlands and the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate and with the help of the Innovation Attaché Network will take steps in the field of blockchain in the coming years.

For questions about the special, please contact the Innovation Attaché Network via email:

The special can be downloaded here.


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