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Ministry of Finance joins Dutch Blockchain Coalition

Ministry of Finance joins Dutch Blockchain Coalition

The Dutch Blockchain Coalition welcomes the Ministry of Finance as a new key partner. The coalition, a public-private partnership, wants to realise new digital trust platforms for governments, companies and citizens.

The Ministry of Finance is the fifth Dutch government ministry to join the coalition, and by doing so, it further strengthens the coalition’s societal basis. Within the coalition, the Ministry will work on the theme “Compliancy by Design”.

Coalition manager Frans van Ette: ‘The Ministry of Finance is vital in the implementation of the major changes that are possible with blockchain. So the fact they have joined the coalition is very good news for the Netherlands and especially the other coalition partners.’

More about the Dutch Blockchain coalition

The Dutch Blockchain Coalition (DBC) is a collaboration between partners from government, knowledge institutes and industry. The aim is to create a safe, reliable digital blockchain infrastructure in the Netherlands that meets the wishes of the user of the future.

The coalition works with an action agenda in which it tests the technological possibilities, examines whether the technology sufficiently complies with legislation, and establishes research and training programmes in the field of blockchain. Internationally, DBC makes agreements about standardisation, norms and governance. It does this with ISO and the European Commission, among others.


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