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Onderzoek WUR naar blockchain en agrifood

Onderzoek WUR naar blockchain en agrifood

Het Wageningen University Research Center heeft een onderzoek gedaan naar de potentie van blockchain in de agrifood sector. Lees hier onder het bericht in het Engels en/of download het rapport.

This report documents experiences and findings from the public private partnership (PPP) project ‘Blockchain for Agrifood’ that was started in March 2017 by the Wageningen University Research Center.

The project aims to contribute to a better understanding of the blockchain technology (BCT) and its implications for agrifood, especially how it can impact specific aspects of supply chains and what is needed to apply BCT in agrifood chains.

Read more about Blockchain and agriculture on the website of the Wageningen University Research Center.

A second aim of this project is to conceptualise and develop a proof of concept in an application based on a use case concerning table grapes from South Africa where BCT could be applied. This has been done by building a demonstrator that keeps track of different certificates involved in the table grapes supply chain.

The code of this demonstrator is published at Github.1

Furthermore, the project explored issues regarding the relevance, applicability and implications of BCT for the agrifood sector through literature study and stakeholder consultation.

Download the report here


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