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First national conference DBC a great success!

First national conference DBC a great success!

The DBC was invited by core partner Rabobank on Friday 21 June. The DBC organized the very first national conference in Utrecht. The organization can look back on a successful first edition. A look back at the conference.

Great turnout
More than 250 visitors were present at the first edition. The conference focused on the latest developments in the field of blockchain, and specifically the DBC use cases. The program consisted of panel discussions and various inspiring speakers, including block machine expert Olivier Rikken. Marloes Pomp whipped up the audience with the song from Licht uit by The Opposites.

The morning was closed by Simone Vermeend who supervised the panel of use cases.

After lunch there was time for deepening, with the help of various breakout sessions, visitors could visit different topics. Despite the good weather, the visitors kept listening. The afternoon session continued under the supervision of afternoon chairman Sandra Heukelom-Verhage. Four promising blockchain projects held a pitch of 3 minutes. Followed by Frans van Ette, the coalition manager of the DBC. He spoke about the coalition's further plans and ambitions. APG showed the audience a live demo. The day ended with a drink.

New collaborations
New collaborations were announced during the conference, including EY as a new partner and the PIB Singapore.

PIB Singapore collaboration. Photo credit: Menno Ridderhof

Opening movie
The organization can look back on a successful first edition. The conference was opened with this film:

Until the next edition!


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